NCSD attended a congressional briefing on LGBTQ-inclusive sex education. Here is the recap.
On Wednesday in Washington, D.C., NCSD attended a congressional briefing hosted by Planned Parenthood. The briefing featured a panel that included members of the LGBTQ Task Force, HRC, SIECUS and Advocates for Youth. The panel discussed the need for LGBTQ inclusive sexual education with emphasis on LGBTQ youth of color.
A key topic of discussion was the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBS), highlighting the higher risks for mental health, sexual health and violence for LGBTQ youth than their straight, cisgender counterparts. See NCSD’s statement on the YRBS here that highlights need to emphasize STD prevention as part of a holistic approach to adolescent sexual health.
A key takeaway from the expert panel was the nationwide need for LBGTQ inclusive sexual education and health care—something NCSD members know all too well. A good example can be found in Washington D.C., where the District of Columbia Public Schools Health and Wellness team has partnered with the DC Department of Health to provide annual free HIV/STD testing in schools. The DC Department of Health also delivers health and sexuality education to youth in the D.C school district.
The lack of inclusion of LGBTQ youth in sexual education in schools is a national issue. We need more partnerships between health departments and schools to help provide comprehensive, LGBTQ inclusive, culturally competent sexual education.
Created by Planned Parenthood, Advocates for Youth, GLSEN, Human Rights Campaign, SIECUS and Answer
This is a call to action for LGBTQ inclusive sexual education. It provides information on the funding, legal landscape, exclusionary and hostile school environments for LGBTQ youth, and minority stress effect and LGBTQ health.
Healthy Teen Network Tip Sheet
Created by Healthy Teen Network
This tip sheet includes information/definitions for LGBTQ terms. It also provides tips for teaching in a LGBTQ inclusive manner.
SIECUS State Profiles Fiscal Year 2017
Created by SIECUS
These profiles show sexual health and sexuality health programs for 2017 for all 50 states, D.C., and all of the U.S. territories.