“Due to the uptick in transmission rates of new COVID variants, NMAC has decided to move USCHA to the virtual space. Our most important goal is to prioritize the health and well-being of people living with HIV. To ensure the health and safety of all conference registrants we will not be meeting in person.
The virtual USCHA will take place December 2 – 3, 2021. NMAC convened USCHA’s first virtual conference in 2020. Thousands of registrants took part in the plenary sessions, workshops, institutes, exhibit hall and live, interactive lounges. We look forward to seeing everyone on-line again.
While there are obvious differences between meeting in person and virtually, we will continue to have opportunities for live engagement that allow for networking, skills-building and discussion.
We are planning workshops that address the current state of the epidemics and how we’ve all pivoted to new methods in serving our communities. 2021 tracks include: Racism and Race, Best Practices in Telehealth, Biomedical HIV Prevention, Addressing Issues Around COVID, Ending the Epidemic-Next Steps, Prioritizing People Living with HIV, Public Policy, Trauma-Informed Care/Mental Health and Track en Español. Additionally, we will feature pathways and institutes that provide extra focus on important issues and impacted populations.
With a reduced registration fee of $295, we hope this creates an affordable opportunity for more people to participate in USCHA. For more information, please e-mail conferences@nmac.org.”