Link to Webinar and Registration
The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is hosting a webinar on the state of sexually transmitted infections in Indian Country. The webinar will walk through the latest report from the Indian Health Service detailing the STI surveillance data from all 12 IHS Service Areas. This is the first such report from IHS in years, and contains important insights for those working in STI or HIV prevention and treatment, as well as family planning or reproductive health.
The second half of the webinar will feature a presentation from two team members working on the Navajo Nation. They will present on approaches to STI screening and prevention that is being implemented with the Tribe.
Join us, Tuesday, March 12, 2019 as we host three guest speakers to share the results as well as real world screening and prevention practices from the field.
Andria Apostolou, National STD Program, Indian Health Service
Zena Smith, Navajo Nation Infectious Disease Program
Lynne Avery, Navajo Nation Infectious Disease Program