Our members make STD prevention happen across the country. That's why this week our Adolescent and Policy Teams traveled to meet with NCSD members and partners.
Last week, Sara Stahlberg and I traveled to Idaho for the kick-off meeting of a new project with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) and the Idaho Department of Education (IDE)—Increasing the Capacity of Health Departments to Prevent HIV and STDs in Adolescents (10-19 years old) Through CDC-Developed School-Based Approaches for Health Education, Health Services.
During the meeting, we worked with the IDHW and IDE to develop a 14-month action plan and health education logic model for delivering regional sexual health education trainings to educators in three regions: Pocatello, Coeur d’Alene, and Boise. We also conducted a site visit to a school in Boise to meet with school nurses and teachers from multiple school districts to discuss the challenges they face delivering sexual health education and what they need to prevent HIV/STDs in their communities. During the site visit, IDHW, IDE, and NCSD toured the school-based health center located on the school grounds and learned about the wide array of services the health center offers students.
On September 6th and 7th, I traveled to Portland, Oregon to attend the Oregon Syphilis Summit. The goal of the Summit was to engage in discussions around the issue of syphilis in the state of Oregon and to make new connections and foster new ideas to move forward collectively to address the syphilis epidemic in Oregon. Oregon has gone from ranking 29th to ranking 8th in syphilis in a few short years. Participants in the summit included representatives of public health, corrections, the community, business, health care, the insurance industry, and others. The conversations were participant-led and highly engaging! I want to thank the Oregon Health Authority for inviting me to participate in a great meeting!
Last week, I traveled to Des Moines to speak at the 2017 Iowa Family Planning Update, a one-day meeting co-sponsored by the Family Planning Council of Iowa and the Iowa Department of Public Health. I was honored to give the closing plenary, “Federal Policy Update: What’s Up with Washington?” I covered the latest Congressional happenings on federal funding and efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the importance of engaging in the political process, and how public employees can engage safely through education efforts. Although travel delays prevented me from meeting with Iowa Department of Public Health members the day before the Update meeting, I was pleased to travel to Iowa to present and participate in the meeting.