Factors such as socioeconomic standing, occupation, location, and other environmental determinants all have a part to play when someone is attempting to access care. Poverty often limits access to transportation and housing, which makes seeking out care substantially more difficult and unlikely. People who choose to become involved with or are forced into sex work continue to be ignored despite bearing an overwhelming burden of STD cases. Additionally, incarcerated people are not provided the care they need even though the evidence indicates a high rate of STD and HIV cases in prisons and jails across the country.
STDs in correctional settings guide for clinicians – NCSD, Sylvie Ratelle STD/HIV Prevention Training Center
STDs in correctional settings – NCSD, Sylvie Ratelle STD/HIV Prevention Training Center
HIV and Sex Worker fact sheet – Avert
HIV and Sex Worker fact sheet PDF – Avert
Examining the Complexities between Health Disparities and Poverty – American Psychological Association