We need your help to make sure STD funding is protected. Now is a pivotal time. Please share the below tweets.
Updated: 2/13/18
CALL TO ACTION: Congress agreed a budget deal and is currently negotiating final funding. Now is the time to contact Congress to make sure STD funding is part of the conversation! Please share the below tweets, especially if you live in one of the jurisdictions referenced.
Alabama – Senator Richard Shelby We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Alabama has the highest STD rates in the country and rates are climbing! @SenShelby http://weartv.com/news/local/alabama-highest-std-rates-in-the-country-10-01-2017
Connecticut – Senator Chris Murphy We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STDs are at record highs nationally, and CT rates are soaring @ChrisMurphyCT http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/STDs-on-rise-in-state-nation-12284542.php
Florida – Senator Marco Rubio We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Florida remains in the top 10 for its high rates of STDS and rates are rising! @marcorubio http://wfla.com/2017/11/21/stds-at-record-high-across-us-florida-ranked-in-top-10-states/
Hawaii – Senator Brian Schatz We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Hawaii chlamydia cases are are the rise and are the number #1 infectious disease on the big island! @SenBrianSchatz http://hawaiitribune-herald.com/news/local-news/high-number-chlamydia-cases-reported-county
Illinois – Senator Richard Durbin We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STD rates are high, getting higher in IL. @SenatorDurbin http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/naperville-sun/ct-nvs-dupage-sexual-transmitted-disease-numbers-st-0416-20170414-story.html
Louisiana – Senator John Kennedy We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Louisiana is number 2 in the country for STDs. @SenJohnKennedy https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/louisiana/articles/2017-10-11/louisiana-ranks-2nd-for-chlamydia-gonorrhea-syphilis-rates
Mississippi – Senator Thad Cochran We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STDs are at an all time high in Mississippi @SenThadCochran http://www.sunherald.com/news/health/article175778421.html
Missouri – Senator Roy Blunt We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STD rates are dangerously high and on the rise in MO @RoyBlunt http://news.stlpublicradio.org/post/cases-syphilis-transmitted-pregnancy-rise-missouri
New Hampshire – Senator Jeanne Shaheen We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STD rates are at historic levels in this country @SenatorShaheen washingtonpost.com/opinions/time-to-sound-the-alarm-over-stds/2017/11/03/b63ff434-bfe2-11e7-9294-705f80164f6e_story.html?utm_term=.1b9f5fbf6182
Oklahoma – Senator James Lankford We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Oklahoma remains in the top 10 for its high rates of STDs and rates are rising! @SenatorLankford http://newsok.com/article/5533840
Oregon – Senator Jeff Merkley We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Syphilis has increased over 2000% since 2007, and all STDs are high, getting higher. @SenJeffMerkely http://www.oregonlive.com/health/index.ssf/2017/07/by_the_numbers_sexually_transm.html
Rhode Island – Senator Jack Reed We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STDs are at the highest point in 10 years in RI. @SenJackReed https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rhode-island/articles/2017-09-26/health-officials-std-cases-at-highest-point-in-10-years
South Carolina – Senator Lindsey Graham We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. SC ranks in top 7 for STDs and rates are skyrocketing. @LindseyGrahanSC http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/state/south-carolina/article181014556.html
Tennessee – Senator Lamar Alexander We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STDs are at record high in US and in TN rates are rising! @SenAlexander http://time.com/4959040/std-testing-cdc/
Washington – Senator Patty Murray We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. In Wash, STD rates spiked to levels not seen cases since 1992. We need to act now! @PattyMurray http://q13fox.com/2017/10/10/sexually-transmitted-diseases-spiking-high-across-washington/
Wisconsin – Senator Tammy Baldwin We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Wisconsin has seen huge increases in STD rates especially syphilis. @SenatorBaldwin https://www.wpr.org/wisconsin-sees-large-increase-reported-syphilis-cases
West Virginia – Senator Shelley Moore Capito We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STD rates hit record high and W. Virginia rates are climbing. @SenCapito http://www.wsaz.com/content/news/STD-cases-hit-new-record-455041533.html
West Virginia – Senator Joe Manchin We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STD rates hit record high and W. Virginia rates are climbing. @Sen_JoeManchin http://www.wsaz.com/content/news/STD-cases-hit-new-record-455041533.html
Alabama – Rep. Martha Roby We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Alabama has the highest STD rates int he country! @RepMarthaRoby http://weartv.com/news/local/alabama-highest-std-rates-in-the-country-10-01-2017
Arkansas – Rep. Steve Womack We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Arkansas is now 6th in the country for STDs and rates are rising! @rep_stevewomack http://www.nwahomepage.com/news/university-of-arkansas-fights-rising-numbers-of-stds/761620766
California – Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. California has the nation’s second-highest rates of congenital syphilis. In 2012, 35 babies were infected. Last year, there were 206. @RepRoybalAllard http://beta.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-ln-std-rates-20170926-story.html
California – Rep. Barbara Lee We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. California has the nation’s second-highest rates of congenital syphilis. In 2012, 35 babies were infected. Last year, there were 206. @RepRoybalAllard http://beta.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-ln-std-rates-20170926-story.html
Connecticut – Rep. Rosa DeLauro We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STDs are at record highs nationally, and CT rates are soaring @rosadelauro http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/STDs-on-rise-in-state-nation-12284542.php
Idaho – Rep. Mike Simpson We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Idaho is seeing an alarming increase in the rates of sexually transmitted diseases. @CongMikeSimpson http://www.idahostatesman.com/living/health-fitness/article174894661.html
Massachusetts – Rep . Katherine Clark We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Mass has seen steady rise in STDs, with cases reaching record levels in recent years. @RepKClark http://www.eagletribune.com/news/merrimack_valley/std-surge-worries-health-officials/article_a7e470a3-d4a2-57da-94a4-958e575a7f88.html
Maryland – Rep. Any Harris We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. A nearly 40 percent increase in gonorrhea has Maryland health officials scrambling and rates continue to soar. @RepAndyHarrisMD https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/health/treatment_and_diseases/health-officials-encourage-testing-as-std-cases-in-maryland-rise/article_8f38eabd-22ba-573b-b605-60f0c20d3e3d.html
Michigan – Rep. John Moolenaar We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. STDs have hit record heights in the US and rates continue to climb. @RepMoolenaar http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/26/health/std-highest-ever-reported-cdc/index.html
Oklahoma – Senator Tom Cole We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Oklahoma STDs are rising and we need to protect the amazing health workers who protect Oklahomans @TomColeOK04 https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/24/health/syphilis-std-united-states.html
Tennessee – Rep. Chuck Fleischmann We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Memphis has highest STDs in state and ranks as the 26th city nationally. Rates are soaring! @RepChuck http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2015/jul/31/most-sexually-diseased-city-tennessee/317551/
Washington – Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. In Wash, STD rates spiked to levels not seen cases since 1992. We need to act now! @HerreraBeutler http://q13fox.com/2017/10/10/sexually-transmitted-diseases-spiking-high-across-washington/
Wisconsin – Rep. Mark Pocan We need to restore $5 million cut to CDC STD Funding. Wisconsin has seen huge increases in STD rates especially syphilis. @repmarkpocan https://www.wpr.org/wisconsin-sees-large-increase-reported-syphilis-cases
With any questions and for talking points, please contact Stephanie Arnold Pang.