Whether due to stigma, institutionalized racism, or misconceptions, communities of color tend to face many more obstacles in accessing comprehensive and affordable care than their white counterparts. Black and Latino MSM bear the greatest burden of all MSM, and black women are at a higher risk for contracting HIV than white women. Black, Latino, and Native populations are at a higher risk for high disease despite national efforts attempting to address these disparities.
Guide on improving HIV/STD prevention and outreach for Black and Latino Gay Men – NASTAD, NCSD
Guide on improving HIV/STD prevention and outreach for Black and Latino Gay Men report on addressing stigma – NASTAD, NCSD
Socioeconomic factors that contribute to Native populations access to health – UIHI (Urban Indian Health Institute)
Socioeconomic factors that contribute to Native populations access to health BRFSS factsheet – UIHI (Urban Indian Health Institute)
Barriers in accessing care faced by Native populations – UIHI
Overview or STDs in Racial and Ethnic Minorities – CDC
Resources for Immigrants – A Care Provider Guide – HIVMA, IDSA, NASTAD
Providing Healthcare services for Immigrants – A Care Provider Guide – HIVMA, IDSA, NASTAD