Linking to resources, news, and updates to help STD programs in their emergency response to coronavirus (COVID-19).
This resource is no longer updated regularly, but it is still available to you.
Welcome to the COVID-19 Command Center for STD Programs. Below are resources and updates for STD program response to coronavirus (COVID-19).
A frequently asked questions resource and two infographics on sex and COVID-19 here.
Introductory online course for entry-level COVID-19 contact tracers, for use by health agencies in rapid training of new contact tracers. Access the training here.
We surveyed health department STD programs, DIS, and STD clinics regularly to determine the impact of COVID-19 response on the STD field. Read the full report here.
Resource hub dedicated to the non clinic-based self-collected HIV/STD testing presented by NCSD here.
This resource is dedicated to the Self-Care Webinar series that was presented by NCSD about self-care and how to prioritize it in the work environment through a trauma-informed and intersectional lens here.
All the information and guidance you need from HHS, CDC, and other federal agencies.
Resources and updates about coronavirus from national health organizations.